Interview Tips

Taziker is hiring and we want you to be successful! Therefore, we have put together some 'Interview Tips' to help you feel prepared for any interviews you attend with us.

Interview Type

Face-to-Face Interview: Plan your journey so that you will arrive 15 minutes early. This will help give you some extra time in case you hit traffic, and gives you time to park up and report to reception.

Telephone Interview: Ensure you have signal, battery and that the manager has the phone number to contact you on.

Video Call: Ensure you have the link and the software installed and again, ensure you have signal and battery.


  • Taziker is a corporate environment so dress smart and professional for your interviews.
  • Try to bring a copy of your CV in with you. The interviewer will use your CV to ask questions and you can use it to prompt answers.
  • Bring in a notepad and pen for notes. Also, write down questions you want to ask during the interview. It is always good to ask questions as it shows your interest. However, try to make them specific to the job, the people, and their projects.
  • Prepare for competency-based questions. Taziker will want an insight into how you approach challenges in the workplace and whether you can turn them into opportunities.
  • Make a list of your strengths, weaknesses, and skills. Prepare examples of when you used these qualities successfully and revise these for the interview.
  • Research! Read the job spec again and look at our website. Get a good understanding of what it is Taziker does. Also, check out Taziker’s LinkedIn profile for news stories, events and projects.
  • Check out the LinkedIn profiles of those interviewing you.

Types of Interview Questions

Competency: The focus of competency questions will be on the things you can do and have done. Try to give examples that show you have the skills for the job and relate them to the work environment if possible.

Soft Skills: This will gage how you work, how you approach tasks, your ability to work as a team, your ability to solve problems and how you would react in certain situations.

Technical: These questions will be specific to the essential experience needed for the role. They will be at a higher level and we will want to know what you have specifically done with that skillset – when, where, how.

Motivational: This will focus on what drives you and what you are looking for. This area is more for yourself and whether Taziker can offer you what you need.

The Interview

  • Ensure your mobile is on silent.
  • Introduce yourself and be polite, friendly, smile and be yourself!
  • Encourage small talk initially; this will help you act with the interviewer on a personal level.
  • Listen carefully to the questions and try to make sure you're answering them. If you need clarification don’t be afraid to ask.
  • Be positive and always turn a negative into a positive i.e. If you’ve faced difficult situations, show what you learned from them.
  • Ask your questions.

Common Interview Questions

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • What do you know about Taziker?
  • How did you find out about this role?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Why are you looking for a new role?
  • How would your current manager and team members describe you?

We hope this has been helpful for you and whether you are applying for a role within Taziker or elsewhere, we wish you all the success for the next step of your career.